Celebrate Sexy At THE Stiletto Gym!
Have the best bachelorette party, girl's night out, or overall amazing experience with your favorite girlfriends at one of the Stiletto Gym's famous parties! They are a Guinness World Record Holder!
Learn more about our parties here
Carla "Frankie G" Mock-Gilfry is the owner of the Stiletto Gym™ and the creator of Polga™ (pole yoga) fitness systems and The Stiletto Gym Chair-letto Mobile Program. Carla is a yoga and fitness professional who performs & teaches in the US. She is the producer and choreographer of Polga (pole yoga) fitness videos for commercial sale. Carla is also a RYT (registered yoga teacher) with training through Yogafit as well as ACE and AFFA certified in Group Fitness Instruction. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a BA in Psychology, and a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology.
Celebrate Sexy! - $550 Pink Stiletto Party - $20 Black Stiletto Party - $25
Video Vixen Private Party - $40 Polga (Pole Yoga) Party - $20
Fill out our party request form OR call us directly at 816-256-5040
Learn more about our parties here

These legs belong to a woman who's life could have gone left so many times. They've survived abuse, low self-esteem, and massive uterus fibroids. They just keep hurdling over any and every obstacle thrown their way. They've come into their own, God fearing, confident, and empowered spiritually. They have a couple of scars but they are thick, strong, and powerful.
These legs have walked away from anxiety and depression and conquered many fears. These legs flew on an airplane for the first time recently to go to California and put their feet in the ocean. These legs hold up a strong young woman who has many more adventures to walk through!
Book your very own Stiletto Gym party!
How do I book a private party at the Stiletto Gym?
When can I book my event?
Do I have to wear Stilettos?
NO, you don’t in fact most ladies will be barefoot the entire party. But if you would like? we recommend you bring some high heels in for photos. Many ladies will put on their heels for while and then kick them off when needed. Heels or No heels is up to you! We just like the name Stiletto Gym.